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News powered by The Franklin Chronicles

What is Franklin Chronicles?
A successor to our print magazine, The Franklin Chronicles, this blog allows us to continue to communicate the importance of the arts and sciences to an expanded audience through a variety of means – articles and announcements, video, news and opinion – to pick up the conversation of why the arts, humanities and sciences matter so much at this juncture in the history of our university, our nation and the world. Read more

Image: Jefferson Memorial seen across the Tidal Basin at dusk, courtesy Creative Commons license.


Coevolution is the change of a biological object triggered by the change of a related object. And up until now there has been little evidence of it driving changes in Earth's history, though that, too, seems to be changing:

A new University of Georgia study shows that some native… Read Article

Social media tools have the perception of keeping us all connected, but we probably shouldn't dismiss the extent to which they are also self-serving, so says a new study:

New research from the University of Georgia finds what people may really "like" about social networking are themselves… Read Article

University of Georgia scientists have utilized a well-known cell-signaling protein in fighting influenza and the results have been promising:

Kimberly Klonowski, assistant professor of cellular biology in the UGA Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, and her colleagues found that… Read Article

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