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Tags: Lecture

Awards season celebrates many of our best and the accolades continue for Franklin College faculty and students. Among the many honors, inductions and elections: Janet Westpheling, professor of genetics in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, is president-electof the Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology. SIMB is a nonprofit, international association dedicated to the advancement of microbiological sciences,…
This spring join the Richard B. Russell Library for Civic Knowledge, Civic Power, a weekly lunch and learn series focused on developing a better understanding of Congress. On April 24, Michael Lynch and Anthony Madonna from the UGA Department of Political Science will speak about polarization in Congress. Attendees are encouraged to bring a bag lunch; coffee and dessert will be provided.
The Franklin College is home to two of the three 2018 Josiah Meigs Teaching Professors, profiled in the Honors & Awards issue of Columns. One of three is photography professor Michael Marshall: Michael Marshall believes that artists should have a role in facilitating change and shaping the world around them. He has put that philosophy into practice and guides others to do the same. “Change can be difficult, and I am consistently…
The Torrance Center for Creativity and Talent Development is excited to announce local artist Didi Dunphy as our 2018 Annual E. Paul Torrance Lecturer! "Art is a Verb, So Let's Do It,"  Didi Dunphy, former visiting scholar and professor in the contemporary and digital media arts at UGA's Lamar Dodd School of Art who works as an independent curator in partnership with regional art museums.  In this lecture, she will discuss her arts…
Microbiology Seminar: “Ecological Dynamics of Wild Microbiomes,” Dr. Ashley Shade, Departments of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics; Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences, Michigan State University
“My Russian Rooms,” Juan Pablo Molyneux. interior designer. A committed classicist, Molyneux creates spirited interiors that are rooted in history without being historical recreations. Residential projects of note include the restoration of the early-12th-century Château de Pouy-sur-Vannes in Bourgogne, the 17th-century Hotel Claude Passart in Paris and a royal palace and gardens in Qatar. His work has been published in Architectural Digest…
Laurel Hiatt, a third-year Honors student from Dahlonega majoring in biochemistry and molecular biology and Spanish, was one of 59 undergraduates from across the nation to be named a 2018 Truman Scholar, a highly competitive graduate scholarship program for aspiring public service leaders in the U.S.: Truman Scholarship recipients receive $30,000 toward graduate school and have the opportunity to participate in professional…
  UGA students are gathering Thursday at Tate Plaza from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. for Thank A Donor Day to show their appreciation for support of alumni and friends. At this celebration, students will have creative opportunities to thank those donors who have enriched their experiences at UGA. There will be prizes, photos with Hairy Dawg, music and more. It's another beautiful spring day on campus. Our students make it all the better by…
"Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault: How Should We Respond to 'Me, Too?'” Dr. Katie Hein, Health Promotion and Behavior
This installment of the Department of History’s undergraduate lecture series, "Who Opened the U.S.-Mexican Border?," features Cindy Hahamovitch. Hahamovitch is the author of two books: The Fruits of Their Labor: Atlantic Coast Farmworkers and the Making of Migrant Poverty, 1870-1945 (1997) and the triple prize-winning No Man's Land: Jamaican Guestworkers in America and the Global History of Deportable Labor (2011). She…
The 2018 Bernard B. Ramsey Lecture in Health Promotion and Behavior, "Getting Along on a Neo Diverse Campus," will be delivered by Dr. Rupert Nacoste, Alumni Distinguished Undergraduate Professor in the Department of Psychology at North Carolina State University. Reception and refreshments will follow in the MLC North Tower. Nacoste has been on the faculty at North Carolina State University since 1988. He served in the U.S. Navy from 1972-1976.…
The free event is hosted by Dirty History, the University of Georgia’s Interdisciplinary Workshop in Agriculture, Environment and Capitalism; the Willson Center for Humanities and Arts; the history department in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences; and the Spalding Chair in History. Scott is the Sterling Professor of Political Science, professor of anthropology and director of the Program in Agrarian Studies at Yale University. He is the…
The African Studies Institute presents the 2018 Spring Lecture on Thursday, March 29 at 8am in the UGA Special Collections Library Auditorium on North Campus. African Philosopher Alloy S. Ihuah will present this year’s inaugural lecture, “MADIBAISM: An African Leadership Philosophy of the New Past and the Old Future.” The event is free and the public is invited to attend. The African Studies Institute Spring lecture celebrates the academic…
Monique Borgerhoff Mulder, from the University of California Davis, will present: "Conservation, Cooperation and Carbon Credits: The challenge of REDD+ on Pemba Zanzibar," Friday, March 23 at 3:30 p.m. in Baldwin Hall, room 264. The lecture is part of the 2018 Anthropology Spring Speaker Series and is co-sponsored by the African Studies Institute.
Civil rights trailblazer Maria Varela was the first Latina to document through the camera lens the civil rights struggles of people in the rural South and Southwest. A community organizer who worked for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee in the 1960s, her pictures and powerful narrative stories give an insider’s view of efforts to empower African-Americans and Latinos. She is a recipient of a MacArthur Fellowship, and…
“Soft-Psy Strategy: U.S. Media Intervention in the Middle East,” Matt Sienkiewicz, associate professor of communication and international studies at Boston College.  Sienkiewicz has written extensively on international propaganda, media, and soft power. His 2016 book, The Other Air Force: U.S. Efforts to Reshape Middle Eastern Media since 9/11 (Rutgers UP) was named “outstanding” by the American Society of University Presses.…
"West Meets East: Commerce Between Ancient Rome and South Asia," Sethuraman Suresh, India Trust for Art & Cultural Heritage.
This installment of the Department of History’s undergraduate lecture series, "Why Did So Many Crossdressers Fight in the American Civil War?," features doctoral candidate Kate Dahlstrand. Dahlstrand won this year's graduate student competition in the Lunch Time Machine guest speaker contest. A veteran herself, she is currently teaching a course on the history of American veterans. Free pizza will be served.  
"Looking for Parallels and Intersections in U.S. and Mexican History," Tore Olsson, UGA history alumni and current Assistant Professor of History at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. Olsson's new book is Agrarian Crossings (Princeton U 2017).  Learn more about his book at:
This installment of the Department of History’s undergraduate lecture series features Dr. Ari Levine. Professor Levine specializes in the cultural and intellectual history of early modern China, and he teaches courses in Chinese, East Asian, and world history. He is the author of Divided by a Common Language: Factional Conflict in Late Northern Song China, and he’s currently completing a book project on urban space and cultural memory in…
James Marten, Professor of History at Marquette University will present a talk on veteran's history. We tend to imagine Union veterans of the Civil War as slightly stooped, white-bearded old men who appeared on Decoration Day and the Fourth of July to bask in the warmth of their country’s gratitude for saving the Union.  They embraced their role in history and drew their self-esteem and sense of worth from the past.  This is, however,…
The Michael L. Thurmond Lecture Series, in celebration of Black History, presents guest lecturer Derrick P. Alridge, from the University of Virginia. Alridge is the author of the book The Educational Thought of W.E.B. Dubois, and member of UVA's "Commission on Slavery." He is also the founder and director of Teachers in the Movement. Special Honorees include: former Athens Police Chief Joseph Lumpkin, and Chief Magistrate Patricia Barron.…
In recognition of the 2018 national Women’s History Month theme “Honoring Women Who Fight All Forms of Discrimination Against Women,” the Institute for Women’s Studies at the University of Georgia will be sponsoring numerous programs in March. This year’s Women’s History Month Keynote Address will be presented by Andrea J. Ritchie, Researcher-in-Residence on Race, Gender, Sexuality and Criminalization at the Social Justice Institute of the…
"Beyond Famous Firsts: Black History Month, Populism, and the American Protest Tradition," Adrienne Petty, associate professor of history at the College of William and Mary. Petty’s research focuses on black farmers in the post-Civil War south. Her most recent book, Standing Their Ground: Small Farmers in North Carolina since the Civil War, is one of the books for the History Department’s Black History…
Bakari Sellers, CNN political analyst, will present “Education, Civil Rights and Equality: Cornerstones for our Future” as the 2018 Mary Frances Early Lecture. At age 22, Sellers was elected to the South Carolina House of Representatives, making him both the youngest member of the state legislature as well as the youngest African-American elected official in the nation. Sellers represented South Carolina’s 90th district in the state…

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