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Tags: students

Cellar Theatre Tickets: $16, $12 for Students
UGA and the Franklin College welcome award-winning journalist and alumna Charlyne Hunter-Gault back to campus to deliver the 2018 Hunter-Holmes Lecture on Thursday Feb. 15 at 2 p.m. in the Chapel: in 1961, [Hunter-Gault] became the first African-American woman to enroll at the University of Georgia, as well as one of the first two African-American students to integrate the school. After graduating, Hunter-Gault became an esteemed, award-winning…
The Hugh Hodgson School of Music and the horn studio host the 2018 Southeast Horn Workshop, with master classes, performances, competitions, lectures, and exhibits beginning today and running through the weekend: This annual event is held at a different college campus each spring.  Students, professors and professionals will enjoy three days of master classes, performances, competitions, lectures, and exhibits.  There is a…
The University of Georgia and the Franklin College celebrate Black History Month 2018 with a wide variety of programs and activities across campus. Events began on Feb. 1 and Black History Month Kickoff is at noon on Monday Feb. 5 at Tate Plaza. An extraordinary breadth of lectures, performances, screenings and discussions featuring our students as well as guests to campus punctuate the celebrations all month long. The complete listing of…
Soloist winners of the annual Concerto Competition, a longstanding tradition of the Hodgson School of Music, will perform with the UGA Symphony Orchestra on Thursday, February 1st at 7:30 p.m. in Hodgson Hall for the next installment of the Thursday Scholarship Series: “What makes [the program] a challenge is you never know what the winning selections are going to be. It can make for some very challenging programming,” says Mark…
Great story celebrating a longtime faculty member, a revamped facility that will directly benefit students, and the enduring power of philanthropy: A recent renovation of the recording control room at the Hugh Hodgson School of Music features improved recording quality and more opportunities for performers and engineers. The renovation was made possible by a donation from the late Cora Nunnally Miller, the stepdaughter of the school’s…
The ingenuity and hardwork of the Small satellite Research Labaoratory continues to lead the project up, up and away: A University of Georgia research laboratory led by a group of undergraduate students is one of only two university research programs chosen by the United States Air Force to build and launch satellites into space. The UGA Small Satellite Research Laboratory, which is supported by faculty from the Franklin College of…
Additionally, the team of Alyssa Hoover (Alpharetta, Georgia) and Tripp Haskins (College Park, Georgia) finished tied for 5th place at the tournament.   The University of Miami Hurricane debates featured schools from around the country, including teams from Emory University, Boston College, the United States Naval Academy, and the University of Michigan.  The Bulldogs' victory at Miami represents the second tournament won by the…
The hills streets, buildings and buses are alive with the sound of classes beginning today. Student learning and success are always the priority at UGA, and the measurements of that precedence have never been stronger: In a campus-wide effort led by Academic Affairs and Student Affairs, the university has made fostering student success — both during their time on campus and after graduation — a key priority. Last year UGA became the nation’…
With campus frigid and students on their way back from extraordinary New Year experiences, we share these words from our namesake and our hopes to fulfill their promise: Be at War with Your Vices, at Peace with Your Neighbours, and Let Every New Year Find You a Better Man - Benjamin Franklin, from the 1755 edition of “Poor Richard’s Almanac.” Complete title: “Poor Richard improved: Being an Almanack and Ephemeris of the Motions of the Sun…
By any other word would smell as sweet; From the Bard's pen to our eyes. Go Dawgs. Image: via wikimedia commons. Quote: Romeo and Juliet, Act II, Scene II
(Many) classes were out, but the media kept the phone calls and emails coming to our faculty this summer. Here's a sampling:   Michael Terns, professor of biochemistry and molecular biology, is quoted in an MIT news article about genome editing.  The work of Mark Abbe, professor of ancient art in the Lamar Dodd School of Art, is featured in Archeology magazine “Brown ocean” can fuel inland tropical cyclones – Several reports on a newly…

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