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Human Nature News from the Chronicles

Lots of great coverage of the Franklin College in Columns this week, including a nice front page story on new faculty member Lawrence Sweet: A clinical neuropsychologist whose research explores the relationship between physical changes in the brain and conditions as diverse as dementia, nicotine…
  Judy I-Chia Wu, a recent doctoral graduate from the department of chemistry, was one of six young chemists recently honored by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Wu, who earned her doctorate in 2011, was awarded the IUPAC Prize for her Ph.D. thesis work titled “…
Big congratulations to professor Greg Robinson: Gregory H. Robinson, Franklin Professor and Distinguished Research Professor of Chemistry at the University of Georgia, has been honored with a national award from the American Chemical Society, the world's largest scientific society. Robinson will be…
'Data-heavy environments' characterizes our world perhaps like no other three-word combination can. Today it was announced that two Franklin College faculty members have received NSF Career Awards to support their work on the efficient management of large quantities of data: University of Georgia…

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