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Human Nature News from the Chronicles

Images: At top, L-R, Skip Forsthoff, Chevron; Annaka Clement, Geology graduate student; Jeff Shellebarger, Chevron: Jason Burwell, Geology undergraduate student: Doug Crowe, Geology department head. Below: undergraduate, graduate students, Geology faculty and…
Great opportunity to feature not just one of our star faculty members, but also an emerging challenge for all researchers everywhere in this era of big data: Jessica Kissinger is a molecular geneticist whose research on the evolution of disease and the genomes of eukaryotic pathogenic organisms—…
The complexity of natural materials has long been a point of fascination for scientists, and has only increased as the technology to look closer has itself evolved. The structure and development of sea shells, for example, holds great potential for nanotechnology and building light weight materials…
Franklin faculty continue to be reliable sources of expertise and explication on the most pressing issues of the day. A sampling of quotes and reports on UGA research: Professor comments on plagiarism charge – If author Rick Perlstein is guilty of plagiarism, “it was a minor transgression,” said…
Great work by our faculty continues, followed by honors and awards that bring distinction to the Franklin College and UGA. A sampling from the past month: Georgia Sea Grant and UGA units including Marine Extension and the Lamar Dodd School of Art were presented with a national award for guiding the…

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