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Health News from the Chronicles

There are a number of species that have a low to negligible probability of developing cancer. These include squirrels, turtles, the mole rat and certain whales. The reasons why are linked to these species' ability to adapt their oxygen demand when faced with a low oxygen supply. That connection…
Did you now there are 37 international student associations on campus? From the the Russian Student Association to the Caribbean Student Association, the Asian American Student Association, the Brazilian Student Association and the Japan Club, many on-campus efforts flow into the creation of…
Great new research from the department of chemistry: The drug dichloroacetate, or DCA, was touted as a cure-all, but after years of work, scientists are still searching for ways to make the unique treatment as effective as possible. Now, researchers at the University of Georgia have discovered a…
The classics department in collaboration with the Georgia Regents University/UGA Medical Partnership, will host a two-day symposium designed to find relevant historical practices that are useful to modern-day physicians: Events will be held March 23-24 on both the UGA main campus and the Health…
Lots of great news out of the department of genetics, and now we add to it an interesting new study: researchers at the University of Georgia have published findings in Nature Communications that reveal where these extra glands come from and help explain what roles the extra thymuses may play in…

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