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Earth News from the Chronicles

Coevolution is the change of a biological object triggered by the change of a related object. And up until now there has been little evidence of it driving changes in Earth's history, though that, too, seems to be changing: A new University of Georgia study shows that some native clearweed…
The NY Times Green blog has an interesting post on global warming trends, as illustrated by a nice interactive map produced by Climate Central. Alongside overall warming trends, the maps show how some states are lagging in warming trends compared to others. Tthe reporter quotes UGA professor and…
The Franklin College is home to so many academic departments that we probably don't spend enough pixels talking about the many institutes, centers and programs also at the heart of student and faculty activity. I will attempt at least a partial remedy with periodic spotlights of our programs. Today…
The reality of underrepresentation of various ethnicities in particular fields, whether it is biology or linguistics, is an effective way of framing diversity issues. But outside of its sociological ramifications, making any field more-representative has the added bonus of funneling more people and…
In the public realm at least, biofuels have been on a bit of a roller coaster ride over the last 12-15 years, as their promise becomes mired in politics and regional agriculture issues. But in research labs across the country and at UGA, scientists have held steady. A newly published genetic…

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