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Earth News from the Chronicles

Oysters in Georgia (Geoysters?) have a healthy past and now their future is also looking strong, thanks to the efforts of UGA Marine Extension: Marine Extension has opened the state's first oyster hatchery, which is expected to revive the once-thriving oyster industry in Georgia. The hatchery will…
The community of microorganisms in the world's oceans turn out to be the most important control mechanisms of how the Earth functions. Understanding their function and behavior will leverage our grasp on how the Earth will adjust to broad environmental changes, says Mary Ann Moran in a review…
In just over seven days, double major Carmen Kraus (B.S. in Ecology, B.F.A. in Scienitific Illustration) will join the distinguished ranks of UGA graduates. What brought her to that unique combination of credentials? Attending the Ecological Society of America annual meeting convinced me once…
Of the $38 million recently awarded to study the effects of oil on the Gulf of Mexico, two marine sciences faculty members had seperate projects funded by the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative research board: “The Research Board was impressed with the quality of the 288 applications received,”…
Formerly Chief Scientist of NOAA, Dr. Earle is a National Geographic Explorer in Residence and was instrumental in adding the oceans layer to Google Earth. Great work, Dr. Joye. The power of film to help address conservation issues worldwide could prove decisive thanks to the tireless efforts of…

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