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Earth News from the Chronicles

Pulitzer Prize winning science journalist Deborah Blum presents “The Poisoner's Guide to Life” on Friday, Oct. 7 at 6:30 p.m. in the Odum School of Ecology auditorium. The talk, which is part of the Natural History Lecture Series, is sponsored by the Friends of the Georgia Museum of Natural…
A perennial political and economic issue, the state of American infrastructure in the face of rapid environmental and social changes is the focus of a new UGA institute that will involve collaboration with Franklin College faculty: The Institute for Resilient Infrastructure Systems will be…
"Medieval alchemists tried to create gold from other metals," she said. "That's kind of what we did with our research. It's not real alchemy, in the medieval sense, but it is a sort of 21st century version." Gold has long been a valuable resource for industry, medicine, dentistry, computers,…
For St. Simons Island native Jonah Driggers, the ecology of the small island community has instilled a sense of mission that has been shaped by his UGA experiences: Although I began my freshman year with vague intentions of pursuing a career in business, I always harbored a love of the outdoors…
Though its presence at UGA goes back to the 19th century, civil engineering at the university entered another new era with its initial ABET accreditation announced this week: As part of the evaluation, the commission used detailed criteria to analyze student performance and outcomes, curriculum…

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