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2015 UGA High School Math Tournament

Miller Learning Center, Room TBD

MathPic.jpgEvery year, UGA Department of Mathematics and Math Club hold an annual High School Varsity Math Tournament on the UGA campus, to foster the mathematical education in Georgia and neighboring states. The tournament consists of three challenging rounds: ciphering, written and team collaboration.

Each school may enter from one to three 4-student teams, who will compete in the usual written and ciphering rounds. (Fewer than four persons may compete as a team, with missing members being awarded scores of zero.) Individuals without a team can participate as well.

The entry charge is $25.00 per each team (not per each school) or $10 for individuals participating without a team. (This includes the charge for a light lunch during the competition break.) For each chaperone over one per school, please add $5. Each school is limited to 3 teams or 12 students total — no exceptions. Please print and mail the following registration form along with payment to Julie McEver no later than October 16, 2015.

To register, visit:


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