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Tags: Conference

This event will bring together leaders from industry, academia, and government to explore the vital role of carbon capture in addressing climate change and advancing sustainable energy solutions. The summit will feature a series of talks, panel discussions, and networking opportunities with some of the leading experts in the field. It’s an opportunity to engage in conversations about the latest innovations, best practices, and the policy…
Join arts educators from campus and the community during this local mini-conference featuring presentations and discussions from faculty and students involve across UGA as well as members of the Athens community. Registration for the event is free and open to all.  Day 1 Agenda 3:00 – 3:15 Opening Remarks 3:15 – 3:45 PETER VAN ZANDT LANE (Hodgson School of Music)Translating Coastal Ecology into Sound 3:45 – 4:15 RACHELLE ELLIS (UGA Health…
The biennial Women and Girls in Georgia Conference was established in 2007 to encourage and highlight research by, for, and about women and girls in Georgia, in all their diversity. Hosted by the Institute for Women’s Studies at the University of Georgia, the conference brings together academics, activists, and community members to share expertise, strengthen networks, and strategize for positive social change in Georgia and beyond. Institute…
In 2010, the Institute of Native American Studies hosted the first conference on the Red Atlantic, exploring the integral involvement of Western Hemisphere indigenes in the Atlantic World. Now, ten years later, this conference brings together major scholars from the United States and Canada to reassess this important history. Full conference schedule and details are…
The 6th Annual Linguistics Conference at the University of Georgia is excited to welcome Dr. Paul Reed of the University of Alabama, Dr. Katie Carmichael of Virginia Tech, and the more than thirty other presenters as attendees look into the various ways that the notion of place can intersect with the various subfields of linguistics. All talks are free to attend. More dates through October 5, 2019  
The University of Georgia will host the 2018 Southern Labor Studies Association conference, a biannual gathering of scholars, students, and activists. Keynote presentations include “Heard it on the Grapevine: Slave Labor, Mobility, and Power in Antebellum America” by Susan O’Donovan, the Dunavant University Professor at the University of Memphis, as well as a lunchtime keynote by Maurice Hobson of Georgia State…
The biennial Women and Girls in Georgia Conference was established in 2007 to encourage and highlight research by, for and about women and girls in Georgia. Hosted by the Institute for Women's Studies at the University of Georgia, the conference brings together academics, activists and community members to share expertise, strengthen networks and strategize for positive social change in Georgia and beyond. The 2017 Women and Girls in Georgia…
LCUGA4 is an annual linguistics conference with a strong interdisciplinary focus. The theme this year is "Crossing Boundaries," presentations from students and faculty from UGA, as well as around the U.S. and abroad, that bridge the gap between linguistics and other fields will be presented. Admission to conference talks and plenary events is free for all UGA affiliates. In addition to more than 30 talks over the course of the conference weekend…
Registration will be in the Tate Atrium; sessions to be held in Tate Student Center. Complimentary (UGA Student Affairs staff, current UGA students, and CSAA faculty), $60 (UGA affiliates and alumni), $85 (General registration) Sponsored by: Student Affairs, Division of Contact: Jennifer Erickson-Brown 706-542-8229 Engage in creating a more vibrant learning community for students. Join academic and student affairs professionals,…
Tuesday, 2/14 Saxophone Masterclass featuring Dr. Jan Baker, professor at Georgia State University and co-director of Atlanta-based contemporary music ensemble Bent Frequency 5pm - 6:30pm, Edge Hall, HHSOM Wednesday, 2/15 Percussion Masterclass featuring guest artists Professor Allen Otte, Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, and Dr. John Lane, Sam Houston State University (TX) 9am - 10:30am Percussion Suite, 1st floor HHSOM ICE Conversation 12pm…
The Department of Political Science in UGA’s School of Public and International Affairs will host the Effects of the 2016 Elections Conference. Organized by Keith T. Poole, the Philip H. Alston, Jr. Distinguished Chair, and Jamie L. Carson, Professor in the Department of Political Science, the conference will bring together some of the nation’s top political scientists to discuss the outcomes of the 2016 elections. The schedule of events…
Friday, Oct. 7: Tate Student Center - 137 Saturday, Oct. 8: Miller Learning Center - 250 Sunday, Oct. 9: Miller Learning Center - 250 The Linguistics Society at UGA (LSUGA) is holding its Third Annual Linguistics Conference at UGA Oct. 7-9. Theconference focus this year is "The Lexicon" (broadly construed), and there will be a diverse group of presentations ranging from theoretical work in psycholinguistics to sociolinguistic and corpus studies…
Students from all over the country will come together to develop their ideal policy platform for the 2016 presidential election. Sponsored by the UGA Honors Program and UGA Libraries.  Conference attendees will enjoy a mixture of faculty lectures and interactive group breakout activities as each center looks to tackle the most pressing issues in their respective fields. Breakfast and lunch will be provided during the conference to all…
The purpose of this event is to promote interdisciplinary research within the flagship institutions of the state of Georgia. Georgia Statistics Day puts emphasis on mentoring of junior researchers and on interaction between senior and junior researchers. Georgia Statistics Day is a new annual event, designed to promote interdisciplinary statistics research among the flagship academic institutions of the state of Georgia, namely UGA, Georgia…
This year marks our 6th biennial Women and Girls in Georgia Conference where we celebrate and highlight the research and advocacy by, for, and about women and girls in our state and region. The conference brings together academics and students with activists and community members to share knowledge, strengthen networks, and strategize for positive social change.  This year’s conference theme is sustainability. The conference will begin on…
Every year, UGA Department of Mathematics and Math Club hold an annual High School Varsity Math Tournament on the UGA campus, to foster the mathematical education in Georgia and neighboring states. The tournament consists of three challenging rounds: ciphering, written and team collaboration. Each school may enter from one to three 4-student teams, who will compete in the usual written and ciphering rounds. (Fewer than four…
The screening and public discussion are sponsored in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the American Library Association. Hinojosa's visit kicks off community events organized by LACSI and UGA Libraries to coincide with National Hispanic Heritage Month, which runs Sept. 15 through Oct. 15. During the observance, the importance of Latinos in Georgia's social, economic and political fabric as well as the challenges…
Long-time and much loved professor Thomas E. Polk II (retired 2006) died in 2014. Using funds donated to the School in his memory, the art history area is organizing a one-day conference on medieval architecture. By honoring Professor Polk’s memory in this way we also hope to highlight the academic and intellectual importance of the study of the medieval world and its architecture. By venturing “outside the lines” we are presenting evidence for…
Christy Desmet and Sujata Iyengar, co-founders and co-editors of the award-winning, scholarly, multimedia journal Borrowers and Lenders: The Journal of Shakespeare and Appropriation (B&L) announce an international conference on “Appropriation in an Age of Global Shakespeare” in celebration of the tenth anniversary of the founding of B&L. We have joined forces with the ongoing Symposium on the Book at the…
Great panel discussion on tap tonight in the Lamar Dodd School of Art:  The Dodd Galleries present a panel discussion on the exhibition "Negritud in Latin American Art" this evening in Gallery 101, 6-7pm. Join Dodd art instructor Stanley Bermudez discuss his curated exhibition "Negritud in Latin American Art" with Lesley Feracho, associate professor in the department of romance languages and the Institute of African-American Studies and…
A.B. in anthropology, A.B. in Latin American and Caribbean studies, minor in ecology Freshman year, I pursued interests in archeology, interning for a semester in the archeology lab under Jared Wood. I worked on digitizing data for a Native American mound site in Southwest Georgia. The following summer, I interned in Malang, Indonesia, teaching English at a kindergarten and living with a host family for nearly two months. This was a…
MEDLIFE meeting features speaker, service opportunities By JESSICA LUTON A meeting tonight offers students a closer look at research and service at UGA. At 7:30 p.m., at the Zell B. Miller Learning Center in room 214, a meeting for the UGA chapter of the student organization MEDLIFE will feature a lecture from UGA Anthropology professor Susan Tanner. The event is of interest to any student interested in the ways in which culture…
In 1968, President Lyndon Johnson established Hispanic Heritage Month to recognize and celebrate the cultures of Mexico, Spain, the Caribbean, and Spanish-speaking regions and countries of Central and South America. The week long event was expanded to 30 days in 1988 by President Reagan and National Hispanic Heritage Month is now celebrated annually from September 15- October 15. UGA will present events throughout the month the highlight…
The Latin American and Caribbean Studies Institute hosts a cross-disciplinary conversation today at 4 p.m. at the LACSI Hull Street HQ: "Washington Think Tanks and American Policy Toward Latin America: Why Think Tanks Are Influential and Why Universities Are Not—And Why You Just Might Want to Work There," with featured speaker Howard J. Wiarda, former head of the UGA department of international affairs. LACSI Cross-Disciplinary Conversations…

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