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Lamar Dodd School of Art Open House

Lamar Dodd School of Art

Come explore the work of students and artists at the various Dodd facilities, including demonstrations and talks on fabric design, printmaking and book arts, drawing and painting, graphic design, ceramics, interior design, photography, jewelry, metals and sculpture and art education.

Art History

Two 20-minute talks w/discussion at 5pm and 5:30pm in S150

5-5:30pm:  Dr. Isabelle Wallace, "On Seduction and Elusion: The Crosshatch Paintings of Jasper Johns" (1974-1982)

5-6:00pm:  Dr. Alisa Luxenberg, "Building Codes: New Light on the Freemason baron Taylor and his Voyages pittoresques et romantiques dans l'ancienne France" (1820-1878)

Science Illustration

Open undergrad studio classrooms. Undergraduate student work in the hallway, glass display cabinet, and classrooms; N209 and N211.

Fabric Design

Open House in S175 featuring

Selling of raffle tickets (top restaurants, retail stores, theaters, etc.)

and hand screen printed items.

Face Reading by Hillel Norry (think of palm reading but using the face)

Display of fabric design artwork.

6:00pm: Katie Rothacher to demonstrate back strap loom (possibly in atrium)

7:30pm: Announcement of raffle ticket winners (must be present to win)

Printmaking and Book Arts

On going printing demonstrations as well as open studios in the Dodd in S265, S250 and S258

Drawing and Painting

Open grad studios and open undergrad studio classrooms from 5 - 8pm. We will have undergraduate student work in the hallways, crit space, and classrooms; S350, S356, S370, S376 and S380.

Graphic Design

Student work in all the hallway spaces in our end of 2nd floor North.

Classrooms N225 and N215 will be open: one will have projected motion design work looping and the in the other students will be installing some large post-it note design messages.

Corner gallery space with the evolving CUBE exhibition will be open.


6-8:30 in the Ceramics studio located in Lot E-11 off River Road across from Printing Services.

All Grad and undergrad and Faculty studios will be open.

PowerPoint loop of student and faculty work will run during the event.

Wine and cheese table in the Atrium Gallery.

Small show of student work throughout the studio.

Interior Design

will have an exhibit on the second floor atrium of the main building and will have a series of videos of student and faculty work.


2nd Floor, South Wing

Student work exhibit

Photo Booth with refreshments, Room S280

Jewelry + Metals , Sculpture & ArtX

Atrium of the Dodd

Hammer Time: Blacksmithing Demo in the courtyard.  (1st hour)

Build-a-Bling:  5-8

1st Floor, North Wing: Music, Video, 3D Printing

Art Education

Join us in The Art Education Gallery and studios! The gallery and adjacent walls will feature:     

A blast from the past exhibition showing “never before seen” art re-collected from our wonder years.

Art created by students in Secondary Curriculum in Art Education in response to semester-long inquiries around enduring ideas.

Books created by students in Art and the Child as a result of explorations of literacy and art making and connections made between works of art at the Georgia Museum of Art utilizing the re-appropriation and re-contextualization of images.

Visual essays created by Art Appreciation students representing explorations of elements and principles.

Also, join us in the art education studios, 3rd Floor, South Wing; where you can participate in a hands-on activity and enjoy music and snacks also excavated from our wonder years---Artinis (tiny martinis), Cheese Wiz on Sociables, animal crackers, gold fish…you get the idea.

Drawing & Painting Graduate Students

3rd Floor, South Wing

Graduate Open Studios titled "HMS Dodd” & Silent Auction

Dodd Galleries will be open for a BFA “preview”

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