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Tags: guest artists

Don't miss the ongoing week-plus of opportunities to enjoy great music that is Chamber Music Athens. Most of these wonderful concerts are free and we note Thursday's "DISPERSIONS IN WATERCOLOR" - NEW MULTI-DISCIPLINARY MUSIC AT THE GEORGIA MUSEUM OF ART At the heart of modern chamber musical exploration is the discovery and creation of new music. Join Amy Yang, Dean of the storied Curtis Institute in Philadelphia, alongside UGA faculty and…
The UGA dance department’s CORE Contemporary and Aerial Dance will present its annual season performance Feb. 28 through March 2 at 8 p.m. at the New Dance Theatre in the dance building. The company will premiere Mutual Resonance, an aerial, contemporary dance and multimedia performance: The 40-minute, nonstop program consists of 13 aerial and dance vignettes that abstract, symbolize or portray a variety of relationships and…
The University of Georgia Opera Theatre, along with esteemed guest artists, take on the beloved opera Don Pasquale by Gaetano Donizetti at the Fine Arts Theatre. The opera is set to run February 22 and 23 at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, February 24 at 3 p.m.  Don Pasquale epitomizes Italian opera buffa, so audiences should come prepared to have a good laugh: This production will be unique because it is set in the 1950s and…
The Hugh Hodgson School of Music and the horn studio host the 2018 Southeast Horn Workshop, with master classes, performances, competitions, lectures, and exhibits beginning today and running through the weekend: This annual event is held at a different college campus each spring.  Students, professors and professionals will enjoy three days of master classes, performances, competitions, lectures, and exhibits.  There is a…

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